Wednesday, March 20, 2019

re: Gun Control, LEO's
and the Legal System.

Democrats keep throwing your tax dollars at a problem that they perceive is solvable through more and more legislation, rules and regulations.

However, Democrats historically have NEVER ADDRESSED the CAUSE OR SOLUTION to crime or criminals.

Any one with common sense knows
any solution hinges on resolving the underlying CAUSE ; Crime.
What and who is CAUSING THE CRIME(S).

No one can legislate thoughts or behavior, however, one can induce behaviour modification at early ages and continue through adolescence.

Welfare, Food Stamps, Section 8 are BREEDING GROUNDS for Criminal Activity and Democrats have been guilty since 1865 of encouraging and perpetuating division and divisiveness in the working classes.

"Poverty is the worse form of Violence"
Mahatma Ghandi

So much so that Democrats have now perfected the illusion of ENTITLEMENTS as being the ANSWER to everything wrong.

Having said that, Democrats need someone to blame for THEIR GUILT and ACTIONS since 1865.

Legal Lawful US Citizens and Law Enforcement are and always will be the SCAPEGOATS for Democrats.

Covering up their sins with money, legislation, rules, regulations and utilizing un-elected bureaucrats is and always will be in the democrats bag of tricks.

 Solutions have answers, just don't ask a Liberal, a Socialist, a Communist or a democrat because all they offer is propaganda, indoctrination and Lies.

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